The Villas at Apple Creek

BOD - Committees
HOA Board of Directors:
Meetings at the Clubhouse 6:00PM
Every third Thursday of the month
John Drengler - President
Tom Okray - Treasurer
Dave Schoenhaar - Secretary
Gary Krueger
Keith Uhlenbrauck
Bill Benn
For resident's protection, BOD Meeting agendas, minutes and other sensitive info has been removed from this website and moved to Pfefferle's AppFolio.
Pfefferle Management
Gretchen Davis
Manager-Appfolio/HOA Dues Questions
Office Hours 8:00am-4:30 pm
Pfefferle Maintenance Request Link
After Hours & Emergency Requests
(920) 560-5030 - Messages will be picked up and forwarded to Pfefferle Manager and/or Maintenance staff
Communications, Newsletter,Website
and Directories:
Gary Krueger
Project Manager
Lee Leininger
Rules Conformance Committee:
Bill Benn
Pool Crew:
Larry Ciriacks – Chair
R Bob Barlament, Georgianne Bravick, Della Davey, Dan Dickmann, Daryn Drengler, Dennis Ihde, John Lundquist, Sue Trams.
Substitutes, Hank and Noreen Boselie & Greg and Judy Tate
Landscape Committee members:
Chairperson: Daryn Drengler:
Laura Leininger, Debbie Kogutkiewicz, Sue Waltman Linda Russo,Bonnie Clow, Sue Lund & Dorothy Nelson
Carla Krueger
Social Committee:
– Greg & Judy Tate
Welcoming Committee:
Rosie Forsythe & Helen Hendricks
Clubhouse After-Party Checking:
Sue Trams-Chair
Dianne Ihde, Bonnie Clow, Marla Jensen, Jan Watson, Leslee Harvey, Kathy Peterson, Barbara Weir and Judy Tate
Ponds, Fountain Timers:
Roy Weyenberg, Bill Harvey, Gary Krueger
Clubhouse Inventory and Purchase Jeff Jensen
These Items can be found on AppFolio.
Maintenance Requests - Forms & online requests.
Board Meeting Minutes
Financials - Budgets etc.
Clubhouse Reservation Forms
Condo Documents - Rules, declarations, bylaws.
Directories - Photo and Alphabetical.